Currently my fourth year designing and producing all marketing material as well as the event itself. This includes design and production of online banners, print advertising, direct mail invitations to music industry VIP’s, email campaigns and more.

Rockbjörnen: VIP invitation
Every year we try to come up with a new and innovative way to invite VIP music industry insiders to the event. This was my concept from idea to final production.

Rockbjörnen: VIP Invitation
Every year we try to come up with a new and innovative way to invite VIP music industry insiders to the event. This was my concept from idea to final production.

Rockbjörnen: VIP Invitation
Every year we try to come up with a new and innovative way to invite VIP music industry insiders to the event. This was my concept from idea to final production.

Rockbjörnen 2019: Advertising
Some examples of marketing materials for Rockbjörnen 2019. Print advertising as well as animated HTML5 banners.

Rockbjörnen 2019: Instagram campaign
These were created for marketing through social media. In the coming weeks, top swedish musical artists will be posting these to their Instagram feeds, hoping to be nominated for the prestigious award ceremony.